Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Acts 5:12-16

Acts 5:12-16
The Signs of the Kingdom
Luke 4:16-19, Isaiah 61:1-2
1. Preaching the Gospel to the poor
2. Healing the brokenhearted
3. Delivering captives
4. Recovery of sight to the blind
5. Releasing the oppressed
6. Proclaiming God’s favor

Luke 7:20-23
7. Healing the sick
8. Casting out evil spirits
9. Making lame people walk
10. Cleansing lepers
11. Restoring healing to the deaf
12. Raising the dead

Mark 16:15-18
13. Speaking in new tongues
14. Safely picking up serpents (Acts 28:3-5)
15. Immunity to poison


Although the Church and the Kingdom of God are not one and the same, churches that do display the signs of the Kingdom bring the two together here on earth.

Matthew 12:28 – How do we know that the Kingdom of God is really among us?

Acts 1: The believers dedicated to prayer Acts 2:1-41: The Day of Pentecost results in some 3000 coming to Christ
Acts 2:42-47: The church continues true to the faith and shares material goods Acts 3:1-4:22: The lame man is healed and the church grows to 15,000.
Acts 4:23-5:11: Believers pray and share material possessions. Acts 5:12-42: Signs and wonders point the way to salvation for many.
Acts 6:1-6: Reorganization of the church. Acts 6:7: Many priests are converted.

5:12-16 Miracles and Wonders

2:4 → 4:31 Filled w/ Holy Spirit
2:2 → 4:31 Tangible signs: Sound and Shaking
2:45 → 4:32 Material sharing
2:47 → 5:14 Numerical growth

This is Acts 1:8 in action.

Paradigm shift – A new way of seeing.
Most of us have to go through paradigm shifts in order to adjust our thinking, our attitudes and our ministries to what for us is a new spiritual reality.

Helpful tools from those who have gone down this path before us:

Power Evangelism & Power Healing – John Wimber
Christianity with Power – Charles Kraft
How to Have a Healing Ministry in Any Church – C. Peter Wagner
Surprised by the Power of the Holy Spirit – Jack Deere

The Facts About Signs and Wonders in Acts 5
1. Power ministry was common – v. 12
2. Power ministry attracted people to the church – v. 16
3. People were healed even by Peter’s shadow – v. 15
See 2 Kings 13:21 (And also Ezekiel 37:1-14)

This is John 14:12 in action.

What is the purpose of miracles?
What it isn’t:
1. A circus act
2. For personal status
3. Christian ‘magic’
4. Psychosomatic

What it is:
1. Evidence of God’s Kingdom being present
2. Expression of God’s compassion for the sick
3. Evidence of Christ’s power to save – v. 14

5:16 – “All” as in ALL?
In this case, all means all.

- But what about when people don’t get healed?
- Dare we risk asking?
- Is there more harm than good?
- What are the benefits of praying believing – when healing doesn’t come?

Do only the APOSTLES have healing power?
- Apostles – 2:43, 4:33, 5:12
- Seventy-two – Luke 10:1-2, 9
- Stephen – Acts 6:8
- Philip – Acts 8:6
- Jesus expects that all believers will participate in healing ministry! – Mark 16:18
- “Gifts of healings” – 1 Corinthians 12:9


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