Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Acts 9:7-20

ACTS 9:8-20

ß 1-2 Saul’s intent
ß 3-5 Christ’s intent
ß 6-7 Christ’s instruction

v. 8-9 Blindness

“What a reversal of events! Paul, who desired to dash the believers to the ground, is lying face down on the ground. He, who wished to bring prisoners bound from Damascus to Jerusalem, now is led as a prisoner of blindness to Damascus… He, who came to triumph over the Christian faith, now submits to the Captain of the faith.” – Simon Kistemaker

v. 10 Meet Ananias
ß “disciple”
ß “highly respected” – see 22:12

v. 10b-12 Ananias’ vision

ß What does the simple fact that Ananias had a vision tell you about Ananias?
ß Specifics of the vision:
o Place
o Person #1
o Person #2
o Activity of Saul
o Expectation of Saul

ß The Bible speaks of over 50 different people receiving visions!

ß God STILL speaks and communicates through visions!
o Acts 2:17
o Joel 2:28
o Vision – ‘horasis’ – an appearance divinely granted in an ecstasy or dream.

ß Are we listening?
o Isaiah 28:27
o Isaiah 50:4-5
o Isaiah 30:18-21

v. 13-14 Ananias’ initial response

v. 15 Christ’s instruction

ß “my chosen instrument…” – Christ’s selection
ß “to carry my name…” - Christ’s pre-eminence
ß “before the Gentiles… kings and people of Isreal…” – Christ’s purpose

v. 16 Christ’s warning

ß 1 Corinthians 4:9-13
ß 2 Corinthians 11:23-28, 12:10

v. 17-19 Ananias encounters Saul

ß “placed his hands on Saul” – Mark 16:18
ß “Brother Saul” – Acceptance
ß “see again” – Healing
ß “be filled with the Holy Spirit” – Empowerment

ß What had Paul been doing for three days that helped to prepare him for this?
o See vs. 9 & 11

ß “baptized” – Paul identified with the very Body of Christ that he had been trying to destroy!

v. 19b-20

ß “several days with the disciples in Damascus…”
ß What do you imagine happened during that time?
ß “At once he began to preach…”


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